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Indexing Temp Tables

While busy with query performance tuning and trying to see whether the query would run better using a CTE’s (Common Table Expression) or Temp tables and comparing times, I realised I forgot to think about adding indexes on my temp tables which could increase the...

PowerBI Campaign/Brand Management for Twitter

PowerBI has released a fantastic template for Twitter called Campaign/Brand Management for Twitter. After following the “wizard” you will have a complete report filled with sophisticated analytics. In order to set this up, all you need is a twitter account and an...

Windows Update KB2919355 Not Applicable

When trying to install SQL, Windows Update KB2919355 is a prerequisite, and on a new server this is not always installed and the SQL install stops until it is rectified. Occasionally when you try and install the update you get the error KB2919355 is not applicable,...

Setting Up SSIS in SQL Server Management Studio

Before you can deploy a SSIS project you need to set up SSIS in SQL Server Management Studio. When installing SQL you will select to install SSIS, however, it does not setup the SSISSDB or configure any settings for SSIS. Here are the steps for setting up SSIS in SQL...

GenesisOne™ T-SQL Source Code Unscrambler™

Have you ever worked with code that is impossible to read and decipher? You could use SQL Prompt which will format the code into a readable format, however what if there is so much going on you are still unable to decipher what is happening? Recently I came across...